Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sandy Storyline Quote sandwich

     New York City's residence showed more compassion then some of the government officials. New York City residence donated food, clothes and their time. It's honestly an amazing thing how so many residence did all these kind things without asking for anything in return. To me this is a perfect example of "restoring humanity" and this is something we need to do more of. Restoring humanity means helping each other and putting all the greed and problems aside and making the world a better place. In the website Sandy Storyline one of the audio clips called New York's Finest shows an example of restoring humanity. Due to hurricane sandy there was a broken traffic light so a lady and 2 other guys who joined her became a human traffic light. "Its much quieter and more peaceful and people are safer I'm glad I'm here"(Ellen). Ellen decided to step up and help the entire neighborhood. She could of ignored the broken traffic light but instead she tried to fix the problem the best she could. The reason why I said earlier that the residence showed more compassion then the government officials is because in the same audio clip when two cops saw the three people being human traffic lights all they told the people was if they don't leave there going to be in trouble. The police officers should have told them when the traffic light was going to be fixed or at least stand there and direct the traffic. We need to focus more on restoring humanity we need more people who do things from the kindness of their hearts.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Blanking the beach quote sandwich

     In this blog I am going to talk about New York's response to Hurricane Sandy and the article Blanking the Beach. I believe New York's response to Hurricane Sandy was inadequate. The reason I believe it was inadequate is because the true victims of Hurricane Sandy are still living in shelters and public housing. The victims aren't getting the help they need. In the book Blanking the Beach by Naomi Klein she talks about the after effects of a natural disaster. Naomi Klein states "The buffer zone looked like little more than an excuse for the government to do what it had wanted to do before the wave" (Klein 67).  A buffer zone is when you have a neutral area separating two things , similar to how we have personal space or how oceans separate countries they both serve as a type of buffer zone. The government used the tsunami that hit Sri Lanka as an excuse to keep the people off the beach and build hotels where their homes used to be. The government used the buffer zone to there advantage. The buffer zone is important to New York's experience to Hurricane Sandy because they can use the buffer zone as a reason to keep people away from living there and then go and build hotels or condos in the near future. The government is aware of the rising sea levels so they can use Hurricane Sandy to there advantage to legally keep the people away.  The government would make a lot more money by replacing those houses with 5 star hotels and luxury condos.