Monday, March 24, 2014

New York Times Article Quote

     New York has taken certain steps to prepare for climate change but are not addressing the entire risk. The city has been taking Eco-Friendly steps by planting trees and adding bike lanes but still continue to build by the waterfront. The waterfront has a beautiful view but it wont look so nice when the sea level rises and the water damages their homes. In the New York Times Article New York Is Lagging As Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn by Mireya Navarro an article about New York City and the sea-level that continues to rise.  With rising seas a common storm could become just as damaging as a hurricane.The article says "New York has added bike lanes, required large buildings to track and reduce their energy use, banned the dirtiest home heating oils, and taken other steps to reduce the emissions that contribute to global warming. But with shoreline development that ranges from public beaches to towering high rises" (Navarro).  There are so many ways to reduce the emissions that contribute to global warming. New York has taken many positive steps to help reduce CO2, adding bike lanes and requiring large buildings to track and reduce their energy use is a very positive step. However building by the waterfront will put more peoples lives a risk in the future. I agree with Navarro that we need to stop waterfront development because we need to think about the long run. Waterfront development will put many lives at risk especially at the rate the sea levels are rising. 

1 comment:

  1. I like it how you stated the positive and the negative of the preparedness for the climate change. Throughout the paragraph you continued to do that. I did not notice any paraphrasing, maybe you missed out on that but make sure to keep that in your mind for your future writings. Also in the critical thinking you did not state why you agree with Navaro. You might want to add more disadvantages of building on the waterfront. You can also connect this with Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klien, saying how building by the waterfronts after natural disasters government and capitalist are making money of the victims affected. By relocating the victims affected to another place they are taking up the place, the concept of buffering.
