Monday, March 10, 2014

Raising The Price of CO2

     In the reading The Climate Casino by William Nordhaus, I found something very interesting on page 9. There are three steps they believe we should take to reduce the amount of CO2. One of the steps they plan to use to reduce CO2 is to raise the price of CO2 and other greenhouse-gas emissions. They want all the nations to raise the price of CO2. In order to slow down the climate change everyone has to follow the same steps to get a better result. The author uses the term "taking foul-tasting medicine" to describe how people are going to feel toward this step.

     I don't agree with William Nordhaus about raising the price of CO2 because raising the price of CO2 will only create a bigger problem. Everyone is already in debt so by increasing the price of CO2 your only creating a bigger problem. Also the government and other business owners use a lot of CO2, weather its transportation or just to run their business. If CO2 goes up so will their bills and that would mean they would have to take it out on their employees. If the businesses debt go up and the employees are making less money, no one will be able to afford the CO2. When CO2 goes up gas will be more expensive, people wont be able to afford heat in the winter and air-condition in the summer. Also by increasing the debt the government and other business have, their wont be any money to try to find alternatives to CO2. I agree with William Nordhaus's third point to try to find an alternative to CO2 which he talks about on pages 9 & 10 but disagree because raising the price of CO2 will take away from the money that is needed to fund that project.

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